Mallee Country of Southern Australia
Mallee country is found in three large bands of land across the southern part of Australia covering north western Victoria, south western NSW, parts of southern South Australia and a band of country in southern Western Australia.
Mallee is in a semi-arid zone in which mallee eucalypts predominate in a Mediterranean-like climate of hot summers and mild winters. Mallee eucalypts inhabit very marginal ecologies and are characterised by multiple stems arising from a lignotuber (or mallee root). They are usually less than 10 meters in height.

Over 15 varieties of mallee eucalypt exist in Victoria, a number of which are found on the block. The predominant species is Eucalyptus Dumosa.
There is a history of fire being used to clear bushland in the farmland that the covenant sits within. Thus a significant area of vegetation may be regrowth from broad scale land clearing fires of the 1920s. Mallee trees in areas that were left unburnt have numerous hollows of various sizes and would be several hundred years old. Long unburnt Mallee vegetation provides essential habitat for the threatened Victorian Mallee bird community, including the Mallee emu wren and malleefowl.

Mallee root and (small) dog

Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs) on the bush block
Description Conservation Status Protected Area Modified Area Total Area
Chenopod Mallee Vulnerable 39.06 0 39.06
Woorinen Mallee Vulnerable 103.43 0 103.43
Woorinen Sands Mallee Depleted 228.52 0 228.52
Loamy Sands Mallee Least Concern 149.69 0 149.69
Ridged Plains Mallee Endangered 7.32 0 7.32
Semi-arid Woodland Vulnerable 46.21 0 46.21
Chenopod Mallee
Characterised by Yorrell Mallee trees (Eucalyptus gracilis) and an understorey of saltbushes. Two patches, both in the northern lot of the covenant. Closely associated with Semi-arid Woodland
Loamy Sands Mallee
Characterised by low growing mixed Mallee trees, including Yellow Mallee and Grey Mallee. A shrubby understorey and hummock grasses exist in the ground layer. There is a large patch in the centre of the covenant stretching across and expanding towards the west.
Ridged Plains Mallee
Characterised by the presence of Bull Mallee and a diverse understorey of shrubs, herbs, salt-bush species and grasses. Occurs on fine textured red brown soils. Found along the far north east boundary of the covenant.
Semi-Arid Woodland
Non-Eucalypt woodland dominated by Buloke and Slender Cypress-pine (Callitris gracilis) with a sparse grassy understorey. Two patches, both in the northern lot of the covenant. Closely associated with the Chenopod Mallee.
Woorinen Mallee
Characterised by diverse mix of mixed Mallee species including Red, Grey and Dumosa Mallee. Has red-brown sandy loam to clay loam. Understorey is sparse and dominated by shrub and herb species.
Woorinen Sands Mallee
Characterised by limited mix of Mallee species and hummock grasses in the understorey. Has deep sandy soil. Closely associated with Woorinen Mallee. Dominates vegetation in the upper central, eastern and southern parts of the covenant.